Once you make an appointment for a hearing test and hearing loss is confirmed, you and your audiologist will work together to determine the best hearing aid for your type and degree of hearing loss, as well as your lifestyle needs. There will also be a fitting appointment, which involves programming your hearing aids and making adjustments to provide the correct levels of amplification for your particular hearing loss.
The next step is counseling to learn how to rehabilitate your hearing through the use of hearing aids. The counseling is a necessary step to ensure you have realistic expectations, which is crucial for long-term success.

An important part of the hearing aid process is preparing you for the change in your lifestyle. While hearing aids will improve your communication abilities, it is important to understand they are not a cure for hearing loss. Unfortunately, they do have some limitations. Learning what to expect beforehand will help you achieve the maximum benefit from your devices.
Your audiologist will check the physical fit to make sure your new devices are comfortable. The hearing aids will then be programmed and adjusted based on your hearing loss and lifestyle needs. The hearing aids will be placed in your ears and turned on, allowing your audiologist to measure the volume levels to ensure that you are hearing the full range of sounds properly.
Your audiologist will then discuss care and maintenance of your hearing aids. You will learn how to use them correctly and make adjustments for different hearing environments, insert and remove them, change the batteries and clean and care for them properly. You will also learn tips and strategies for better communication.
The final step of the fitting process is scheduling the first of many follow-up visits. Your first visit will be scheduled a few weeks after your initial fitting. During this appointment, your audiologist will fine-tune and adjust your hearing aids as needed and answer any questions you may have. Since it usually takes a little while to adjust your hearing aids to their maximum effectiveness, additional fitting appointments may be needed.
You can call our San Francisco office at (415) 780-2001 or our Stockton office at (209) 946-7378 for more information or to schedule an appointment.