EXPLORING LENIRE: A Breakthrough in Tinnitus Management
The University of the Pacific is committed to advancements in hearing health, including innovative technologies like Lenire®—a clinically studied, FDA-cleared device designed to alleviate tinnitus symptoms. How Lenire WorksLenire uses bimodal neuromodulation, stimulating two sensory pathways simultaneously. Patients listen to customized sounds via headphones while receiving gentle electrical pulses on the tongue. This dual stimulation…
Hearing Aids and Tinnitus Relief
Tinnitus sufferers often struggle to find solutions for the ringing in their ears, but hearing devices may provide effective relief. If you have hearing loss and tinnitus, your hearing devices could help. What Causes Tinnitus?Tinnitus is a symptom often linked to hearing loss. Common causes include aging, noise exposure, and ototoxic medications, which explain why…
Enjoy Comfortable Hearing Solutions with Otoscan
The University of the Pacific Hearing and Balance Center audiology team is pleased to now offer Otoscan®, a revolutionary 3D digital ear scanner that will make your patient experience with us even better! How Otoscan Works Using noninvasive laser technology, Otoscan scans your ear to capture over one million data points, which are transformed into…
The Magic of Music and Brain Activity
Raising awareness about Alzheimer’s and brain health is crucial for educating people of all ages and supporting those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Alzheimer’s affects an estimated 50 million Americans and is the sixth-leading cause of death in the U.S., killing more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. It is…
Take a Holistic Approach to Healthy Aging
You’re only as old as you feel, so why not feel your best? Embracing a holistic approach to healthy aging involves adopting and maintaining the healthy habits below—the earlier these habits take root, the better off you’ll be! Exercise Your Body Do you want to travel to Paris, take up kayaking or simply be able…
Do You Have a Balance Problem?
If you experience dizziness, imbalance or vertigo, you have a balance problem. It’s important to seek treatment for a balance problem right away, as left untreated it can impact your quality of life or even cause injury due to a fall. Below is everything you need to know about balance problems. What Are the Symptoms…
Could Your Tongue Be Key to Treating Tinnitus?
Tinnitus affects about 10-15% of people across the globe. Being such a prevalent condition, it is surprising that the treatment options are still fairly limited. New research out of the University of Minnesota looked at an unlikely treatment option, electrical stimulation of the tongue. Sound and Electrical Stimulation of the Tongue Research Researchers from the…
Can B12 Relieve Tinnitus?
A cure for tinnitus still alludes researchers. A pilot study published in the international journal Noise & Health looked at the possibility that vitamin B12 could play a role in the treatment of chronic tinnitus. B12 Benefits Cobalamin, more commonly known as B12, is an essential vitamin your body needs to work properly but cannot…
Can You Listen to Music with Hearing Aids?
Missing out on the intricacies of music, including understanding the lyrics and being able to identify new instruments, is a common complaint made by many with hearing loss. While hearing aids have always been designed to help, it is only recently that newer hearing aids have fixed many of their design flaws that made listening…
How to Prevent Common Hearing Aid Disasters
Getting your hearing tested, deciding on the perfect hearing aid for you and wearing the device around until you are comfortable is the hard part. Protecting your hearing aid from the world is easy, especially when you know what to do when disaster does strike. Drop Your Hearing Aid Wearing your hearing aids when you…